Monday, December 3, 2012

California Poppies Nail

      First off I want to apologize for being MIA. I've been to cramp with school and house work that I've neglected this blog and my nails. I've been stress lately so I've reverted back to biting my nails :(. However, I've been nail biting free for 2 weeks now (hoooooray!!!!).
       So anywho, enough about myself let's get back to nail art...

    I was browsing through YouTube as usual and came across this really cute nail tutorial. So I whipped out my nail polish bag and did it! 

    To be honest, it was harder than I thought. You have to be really good at painting and drawing to do this right. 

So here are the steps:

1. Remember to put your base coat first. 
2. Coat you're nails with a white nail polish
3. Then, with a toothpick carefully draw out clover-like petals in red polish. Make about four sets of petal
4. Add the flower stem using a thin long brush. Use green polish
5. The dab yellow polish on the center of the red petals. Then dab black polish on the center.
6. Lastly, put a topcoat and let dry...

Voila! you have just created California poppies on your nails. :D

Here's the link to the tutorial that I found on YouTube:

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